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Season Kick-Off!

7 days ago
durch Joost

Finally: it's that time of the year again to finish your custom chopper project & ride out. Spring is around the corner and we think that after a long winter, the world needs roaring engines to bring back the smile to people's faces!
What better way to make that happen than with big roaring discounts in our webshop?! To kick-off Season 2022, we're happy to tell you that from March 16th till 21st, your wishlist can be a lot cheaper to fulfill.

Season Kick-Off


The bigger your order, the higher the discount*!

How does it work?

Orders from €100,- and above >> €10,- discount
Use code: SAVE10

Orders from €160,- and above >> €20,- discount
Use code: SAVE20

Orders from €300,- and above >> €40,- discount
Use code: SAVE40

Orders from €550,- and above >> €80,- discount
Use code: SAVE80

* Discount codes are valid until Monday March 21st 2022